"; } function btab(){ echo"
"; } function htab2(){ echo "
"; } function btab2(){ echo"
"; } ?> <? echo $w_forum[forum]." - ".$w_topic[subject]; ?> >


"; btab2(); } else { $topic = listall("db/$id/$t_id"); $c1 = count($topic); //show header of topic htab($w_forum[forum]." - ".$w_topic[subject]); echo "\n
"; $t_header = def($topic[0], "db/p_topic"); echo "
\"\" $forum50 $forum58 $t_header[date]
$forum134 : $t_header[subject]
"; $x = 0; $y = 0; for($i=0;$i<$c1;$i++) { $stuff = def($topic[$i], "db/p_topic"); // display each post in the current topic @$info = get($stuff[user_id], "db/users"); $v_file = @fopen("db/members/$stuff[user_name].dat", "r"); $read_m = @fread($v_file, filesize("db/members/$stuff[user_name].dat")); $info_m = explode("<~>", $read_m); if(@$info_m[4] == "1" ) { $status = $forum61; } elseif(@$info_m[4] == "2") { $status = $forum63; } elseif(@$info_m[4] == "3") { $status = $forum62; //admin } else { $status = $forum59; } if($stuff[user_name]==$user[0]) $status = $forum62; $msg = str_replace(" ", "   ", $stuff[message]); $msg = undo_format(faccine(upb_code(replaceimg2($msg)))); $msg = wordwrap($msg, 105, ' ', 1); //avatar unset ($m_mail,$m_http,$firma,$ava,$m_msg); if(file_exists("../".USEREP2.$stuff[user_name].DBEXT2)){ $dbmsg = ReadDBFields("../".USEREP2.$stuff[user_name].DBEXT2); if (!empty($dbmsg[6][0])){ $dbmsg[6][0] = str_replace("<", "<", $dbmsg[6][0]); $dbmsg[6][0] = str_replace(">", ">", $dbmsg[6][0]); $dbmsg[6][0] = str_replace("<br />","
",$dbmsg[6][0]); $dbmsg[6][0] = wordwrap($dbmsg[6][0], 105, ' ', 1); $firma = "

".upb_code(replaceimg2(faccine($dbmsg[6][0]))); } } else { $us_data = explode("||",$stuff[user_id]); if(!empty($us_data[1])) { if($status!=$forum59) { $us_data[1] = str_replace("<", "<", $us_data[1]); $us_data[1] = str_replace(">", ">", $us_data[1]); $us_data[1] = str_replace("<br />","
",$us_data[1]); $us_data[1] = wordwrap($us_data[1], 105, ' ', 1); $firma = "


"; } } // aggiunta mp con disconnect - pubblicazione mail - sito web if(file_exists("../plugins/disconnect")) { $dbmsg = ReadDBFields(USEREP.$stuff[user_name].DBEXT); if (!empty($dbmsg[1][8])){ $dbmsg[1][8] = str_replace("<", "<", $dbmsg[1][8]); $dbmsg[1][8] = str_replace(">", ">", $dbmsg[1][8]); $dbmsg[1][8] = str_replace("[NL]","
",$dbmsg[1][8]); $dbmsg[1][8] = wordwrap($dbmsg[1][8], 105, ' ', 1); $firma = "

".upb_code(replaceimg2(faccine($dbmsg[1][8]))); } else { $firma = ""; } } } if($status==$forum59) {$ava ="\"\""; } if($firma=="") $firma=" "; if($y>0) { echo "

"; } if($i>0) { echo "\"\" $forum69 : $stuff[date]"; } echo "
$forum51 : $stuff[user_name] ($status)"; echo "

"; echo "$msg

"; $y++; } btab(); } ?>